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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
VIVAAN plasters +sun & arcs 19
plastic injection moulding 7
plastic ware +oval 17
AASHI plastic industries 25
ABS plastic +oval 17
AL NOOR plastic mats 27
AMAR thermoware plastic 21
AP shri AMBICA plastic 21
ARIHANT plastic +circles 2
ARIHANT plastic apc 2
ARIHANT plastic house ware 21
AVON plastic wares +oval 21
BAJRANG plastic 28
BALAJEE plastic sutli 22
BIG BULL plastic +bull 11
CHERRY plastic bags 16
CONTOURS plastic surgery 44
CP clasic plastic +oval 11
CPI CHAMUNDA plastic 6
DEEPAK plastic fabricator 20
DEEPPAK plastic industries 35
DHANOA plastic works 12
FINE9 plastic glasses +glas 21
FP FATAWAT plastic +hexagon 7
GP clasic plastic +oval 7
HAYAT plastic 17
HI BOUNCE plastic ball +ova 28
plastic 17
JANTA plastic 35
JP JAYDEV plastic +triangle 17
JPI jaya plastic industries 17
KHODIYAR plastic +trident 16
KRISHNA plastic cricket bal 28
LAKSHY plastic in devnagari 21
LAXMI KIRAN LK plastic shee 17
LPI LP LALIT plastic indust 35
MANGLA plastic industries 35
MANGO plastic bags 16
MP MALPANI plastic 16
NAREN plastic taps & shower 17
NARENDRA plastic P 17
NP national plastic +sun 20
OKHANI plastic cutlery 21
OP plastic OMNIUM 6, 20, 21
OP TAKA-TAK all plastic ite 21
PAANIWALE plastic glasses 21
PCI plastic cottage 18
PIONEER plastic ware +oval 17, 21
RAINBOW plastic +arcs 20
RAJDEEP plastic +lamp 16
RAJIV plastic industries 2
RAJSHRI plastic sheets 17
RAJVADI plastic bags +oval 17
RATAN plastic ware +squares 20
RAYES plastic ware +arcs 21
REJOICE plastic 17, 20, 21
ROSE plastic +flower 20
S SANGAM plastic industries 25
SANGAM DEEPAK plastic 18
SAWALKA plastic 11
SIDDHA plastic S +bird 17
SOP shree om sai plastic 9
SPICA plastic +lines 26
SURABHI plastic mats 27
SUSHRUTA plastic & cosmetic 44
TM B&W plastic playing card 16
TULSI plastic bags 16
ULTI-MAX plastic emulsion 2
WESTERN plastic rajkot 8
ZAM ZAM plastic +lines 20
bp BABA plastic 20
bp BHAGYODAY plastic +oval 17
new SWEETY DEEPAK plastic 18
r RAJ vergin plastic bags 17
s SANGAM plastic industries 25
non-plasticky wings 5
plasticlens 9
POLYSET plasticman 17
DOTEN'S plastico 21
AIP all india plastics +ova 17
APPLE plastics 18
ASHIRWAD plastics 12
CP CENTURY plastics +square 18
DP DHAVAL plastics +circle 21
FP fine plastics +arcs oval 35
IMAGINEERING plastics 17
JEYAM plastics 21
KANAK plastics 35
KHAJA plastics +stripes 20, 21
LNP engineering plastics 1
M EM EM A plastics +oval 11
MAYANK plastics 39
MILLION plastics 17
MP MALPANI plastics 16
NILESH plastics +square 21
OEOS plastics +spiral 17
POONAM DEEPAK plastics 18
SATYAM plastics.com 9
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